Welcome Back from March Break!

I hope everyone had a wonderful March Break! Please read on for an update!

Remember, for a more regular update, please check in with Twitter @feed2succeed.

Literacy - We have one more Literature Circle session. We began Literature Circles with Mrs. Oliver, and have been learning to use different roles to help us better understand what we are reading.

Some of these roles have included...

Discussion Director - Learning to ask open-ended questions, pulling together clues to make predictions

Word Wizard - Expanding our vocabulary by finding new words and figurative language

Connector - Making connections to characters in the book, enabling us to understand the characters at a deeper level

We are also continuing our understanding of world issues and child slavery while we improve our writing and editing skills, through connecting a news article to the novel Iqbal.

Science - 

Grade 7 - The students observed a demonstration on crystallization through the use of a supersaturated solution. After this, we took part in a lab where we identified properties of mixtures and solutions. We are currently looking into available separation techniques and what these techniques are used for!

Grade 6 - The students have shown interest in researching and making sun dials. Our students are particularly interested in the technology used in relation to Space. We are waiting for a sunny day to try these out! Over the next month, we will turn our class into a planetarium, creating planets and displaying them around the room with information cards. 

Math - 
In MATH BUDDIES, we created the "Phoebe Market" where our younger buddies came in to learn how to decompose numbers through making change, and "buying" products up to a certain total of money. The grade 6/7s did a great job of sharing their own strategies for composing and decomposing money with our younger buddies. Great work!

As we finish off our unit on Measurement with composing nets of right angle prisms (calculating surface area and volume), we are looking forward to a new hands-on unit. Stay tuned!

History/Social Studies - 
Grade 7s - The students are continuing their learning on connecting how history has created the world we live in today. They are creating a bristol board presentation on Natural Resources traded and used by First Nations, the French, and the British. We have learned about how the borders of land can change when treaties are made, and how these border changes created the world we now live in.

Grade 6s - The students are continuing their learning about different groups who came to Canada, the struggles they faced and still face, and how immigration has impacted how we live today. Students are researching a specific group of people, and will present their bristol board in the coming weeks. Some questions they are thinking about are...

Why did this group come to Canada?
When did they immigrate to Canada?
What were challenges they faced while trying to come to Canada?
What has this group brought/contributed to Canada?
What did this group do when they got to Canada?
Where in Canada did this group settle?
What were challenges they faced once they were in Canada?
Does this group still experience challenges as immigrants or descendants from immigrants?
What are challenges this group continues to face in Canada?
How has the life of this group of people changed through the generations?

Health - 
We recently completed our Health PSAs (public service announcements). This was a great way to integrate Media Literacy with our Health program. As some of you may know, the students are at the end of their one-week health challenge. Students have been using FLIPGRID to record their progress through quick videos. 

We have discussed how making healthy choices can help us lead a healthy life now, and later on in life. 
We have moved on to our unit on dealing with conflict effectively and responsibilities and risks when taking care of ourselves and others (grade 6s), and bullying and harassment (grade 7s).

Continue to stay tuned!

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